Master-8 is an eight channel general purpose stimulator for nervemuscle stimulation procedures: |
All eight channels can be operated independently, or synchronized to produce complex patterns of pulses.
Use some channels to stimulate your preparation, while using other channels to trigger other instruments (oscilloscope, PC, etc.) in synchronization with the stimulation.
Master-8 is an extremely flexible system since: |
As a
stand-alone unit – All parameters are set by the front panel keys. You can switch between 8 stored experiments; each using all the eight channels.
connected to a PC (via USB) – Download/upload new experiments. Your PC controlsmodifies the parameters of Master-8 in accordance with the feedback from the experiment.
You can use the powerful
scheduler in order to modify parametersswitch between experiments at scheduled times.
Master-8 is an extremely reliable system as: |
Wide time range – interval time between pulses/trains from 60 msec. (16,666 PPS) to 3999 sec. (1/3999 PPS).
4 digits resolution – For example: Set the pulse delay to be 10.01 millisec.
You can
modify parameters while stimulating – you don’t have to stop the experiment.
For example: while stimulating, switch the stimulation rate from one range to another (e.g. from 98 PPS to 102 PPS).
Simple switch-off the stimulation – important for cases where immediate stimulation cut off is required.
Each channel can operate in any of the following modes:
Free-Run: The channel delivers repetitive pulses.
Trig: Single pulse after triggering (
manually, internally from other channels, or
Train: Train of pulses after triggering.
DC: The channel delivers a DC outputis time independent, it can be turned on or off manually
Gate: Each time that an external signal is applied, the channel delivers repetitive pulses. Whenever the external input stops, the channel stops working.