CLH 606 F 光源
地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:4000199332
手 机:13600199332
传 真:0755-33351511

CLH 500/600/606A/606F 是通用卤灯光源,用於VIS/NIR范围作定量分析

The CLH 606F Lamp Cassette is a modular component of the MCS 600 system. It was specially designed for the use with flexible optical fibers and is to be operated exclusively with such fibers. The lamp module is equipped with a filter. The use of this lamp module is recommended when sufficient energy is available during measurement, as is normally the case in transmission measurements using a directed beam path. The filter in the module enables a longer integration time, providing a higher ratio of short-wave to long-wave intensities.


Wavelength range 340-2400 nm
Light source Halogen
Color temperature 3500 K
Typ. Life time 3000 h
Wattage 20 W
Warm-up time 10 min
Number of Outputs 6
Fiber Connection SMA
Balancing Filter yes
Size 21 TE