The MOS-200 is a simple and efficient optical system designed for Rapid-Kinetics experiments.
The MOS-200 uses a Xe or Xe(Hg) 150 Watts light source attached to a manual monochromator on an optical bench.
The connection to the Bio-Logic Stopped-Flow is done through a fiber optic specially designed to match the Stopped-Flow cuvette dimensions.
The signal detection is performed by a photomultiplier directly mounted on the Stopped-Flow and connected to its control unit. The photomultiplier can be attached at 180° of the light source or at 90° allowing absorbance or fluorescence measurements (both at the same time using an optional additional detection channel). For fluorescence measurements, standard filters can be installed in front the photomultiplier tube inside the holder.
The photomultiplier control unit is connected to a 16-bit A/D board installed in the PC driven by our acquisition and analysis Bio-Kine32 software.