RM Young 85000/85004超声波风速计理想用于要求测量、可靠的风的一般气象应用。特征: 2轴,RM Young 85000/85004无可动部件的风传感器,具有抗腐蚀构造 经在风道中校准和测试,在有效的宽量程内提供的风的测量 RM Young 85000/85004风速仪支持RS-232/RS-485/SDI-12使同iSIC数据记录器的连接和通信很容易The sensor installs on a readily available 1" (IPS) pipe. Wiring connections are made in a convenient weatherproof junction box; special mounting adapters, connectors, and cables are not required. | RM Young 85000/85004风速仪技术指标 | | 风速 | | | 测量范围 | 0 to 70m/s(0 to 156 mph) | | | 分辨率 | 0.1m/s | | | | (30 m/s)±2%or0.1m/s (70m/s)±3% | | 风向 | | | 测量范围 | 0 to 360 degrees | | | 分辨率 | 1 degrees | | | | ±2degrees | | 串行输出 | RS-232 RS-485 | | 格式 | | | 格式 | ASCII Text RMYT NMEA SDI-12 | | | 单位 | m/s, MPH,Knots, Km/hr | | 模拟电压输出 | | | 风速 | 0 to 5000 mV | | | 风向 | 0 to 5000 mV | | 电源 | | | 电压 | 9 to 16 VDC,30 mA typical (less than 1mA standby) | | | 电压 | 24VDC,60W Max.Heater Power:(85004) | | 工作温度 | -50 to +50°C | | 尺寸 | 34cm high x 17cm wide | | 重量 | | | 传感器重量 | 0.7kg(1.5lb) | | | 运输重量 | 1.6kg(3.5 lb) |
| 订购信息 | 85000 | | 85000/85004 Ultrasonic anemometer | 85052 | | Bird wire assembly | 18446 | | Sensor cable, 5 conductor shielded, 22 AWG | 06201 | | Wind Tracker wind speed & direction indicator, 110 V / 60 Hz |