供应数显表- 三相 数字式交流电流表PA628A 4A
电 话:86 0574 63733725
手 机:13586822508
传 真:86 0574 63700640
类型PA628A 4A品牌.
型号PA628A 4A测量范围.(A)
电源电压.(V) 外形尺寸..(mm)

功   能:测量交/直流电流,并通过LED或LCD显示可广泛应用于电力电网、电力自动化测控系统中对交/直流电流的测量与显示。 

特   点:具有测量高、稳定性好、抗震动、显示直观、读数方便等优点。可直接替代指针式模拟电流表。


Description: measure the AC and DC current with the LED or LCD display. It’s widely used for measuring and showing AC or DC current in electric power supply networks and automation control system

Features: high accuracy,good stability,resitance to shock,direct display,convenient reading and it can replace the pointer ammeter.