德国久茂JUMO 显示 压变
电 话:886 021 33737937
传 真:886 021 61294756
测量范围-100-100000(kPa) 等级0.25
输出信号4-20(mA) 防爆等级隔爆

405052 各种量程、各种接口压力变送器

Pressure and differential pressure switches Type 4 ADS are used to measure vacuum,
pressure or differential pressure in HVAC and filter technology, for example.
Pressure and differential pressure switches consist essentially of base, diaphragm, intermediate
disc, case and protective cover. When used as pressure or vacuum switch, the
base and diaphragm with disc form the pressure chamber.
When used as a differential pressure switch, the base and a second diaphragm with intermediate
disc form the two pressure chambers.
A pressure change in the pressure chamber causes an axial displacement of a pin linked
to the diaphragm. When the selected switching point is reached, a spring-loaded contact
is activated.