供应安捷伦液相色谱柱Eclipse PAH
电 话:86 0571 88957823
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传 真:86 0571 88957574
品牌安捷伦型号ZORBAX Eclipse PAH

Eclipse PAH columns are recommended for the separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. PAHs are considered priority pollutants and the analysis of these potentially carcinogenic compounds in water, soil and food is of major importance. The Eclipse PAH columns separate all of the 16 PAHS in EPA method 610 quickly with high resolution. 

The Eclipse PAH column is a polymerically bonded C18 column optimized for the separation of PAHs. This type of bonding is needed for the separation of the geometric isomers in many PAH samples.  Additional PAH separations can be done on these columns.

Eclipse PAH columns are available in 1.8, 3.5 and 5 µm particle sizes for the optimum column for your LC or LC/MS instrument. The Rapid Resolution HT (RRHT) 1.8 µm columns provide the fastest analysis times and the highest resolution and support high pressure use with the new Rapid Resolution LC (RRLC). The Rapid Resolution 3.5 or 5 µm columns are an ideal choice for standard instruments or with only UV and fluorescence detectors.

ZORBAX Eclipse PAH Features and Benefits

RRHT - 1.8 µm particlesExtremely high efficiency in short and long (100mm)column lengths
1.8, 3.5, and 5 µm particles in a variety of dimensionsChoices for every type of application – LC with UV & FLD, LC/MS and with the RRLC
Polymerically bonded C18 bonded phase
  • Required for shape selective separations like PAH’s
  • Will provide critical selectivity for other separations, like carotenoids, steroids and PCBs
Based on silica used in Eclipse Plus columns (Rx-Sil+)Best peak shape possible! This is true for PAH’s and other compounds.
Example separations available on all column configurationsEasy method start-up for the fastest results and highest productivity