德国ERSA IR/PL550 返修工作站
电 话:86 21 51692216
传 真:86 21 51692256


The IR/PL 550 is one of the best selling and most widespread rework systems in the world


The IR/PL 550 is one of the best selling and most widespread rework systems in the world and offers the best cost/performance ratio. This system is designed for small to medium size PCBs and has proven itself to be the "Workhorse" in our rework product line. The IR/PL 550 is a unit which offers the greatest flexibility for operators to best interact with their system in order to handle the most complex SMT and THT rework applications.



Leading Mobile Phone manufacturers recommend the IR/PL 550 for repair!



The IR Rework system is broken down into four distinct operational modules:


               I. IR 550 Selective Reflow module


               II. RPC 550 Reflow Process Camera module


               III. PL 550 Precision Placement module


               IV. IRSoft Software module 



Convince yourself of the significant advantages of the ERSA IR/PL 550 rework system!


Take a few minutes to view the IR 550 demo video.(4 minutes)



Ordering information:


0IR550A Rework System IR 550 (without X-Y PCB table); (incl. IRSoft, 1 x AccuTC and soldering station)


0IR5500-01  X-Y PCB Table (not required with PL 550)


0PL550A Precision Placement System with Reflow Process Camera


0PL550AU Precision Placement System without Reflow Process Camera


0VSRPC-UKIT2 Reflow Process Camera Upgrade for 0PL550AU