电 话:86 021 61425393
手 机:13641828113
传 真:86 021 61425417

The RT - 8000 auto computerized refractometer is an precision instrument that can measure eyes objectively. It can measure the
refractive error degree, including sphere degree, cylinder degree, optical axis and pupil distance, which can provide reference data
for the treatment of eyes and optometry. Measuring results will be shown on the screen or printed by pressing the printing button,
and then the data can be transferred to the integrated visual-tester after disposing the RS232 interface. The measuring data of the
digital refraction can also be printed by the instrument if the digital refraction has the data-output function.

彩色液晶中英文菜单,图像更清晰操作更简单。The colored LCD menu with both English and Chines ever sions make simages clearer and operation easier.
使用先进的革新性技术可以使屈光度测量对象的瞳孔直径缩小到目前的2.5mm。The advanced innovative technology narrows the pupil diameter of diopter-measured objects to 2.5mm.

便捷简单的操作面板设计,所有操作均可一键完成。With the convenient and simple operating panel design, all the operations can be done by a single key.