HI3637 VLF磁场强度测试仪 |
HI3637 VLF磁场强度测试仪独特的三同心正交领域全向探头可真实的对计算机显示器及工业热处理设备等的磁场等VLF磁场源进行准确的测量,连接数据记录器或者图形记录器可观察检测数据的变化情况。HI3637磁场强度测试仪低频开关满足瑞典国家测量测试局MPR电磁场辐射规范和美国电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)1140规定的视频显示终端磁场测量要求。 |
特点: |
? 2–400KHz |
? 0.06mG–400G (用100个探头) |
?三同心正交领域全向探头 |
?真有效值读数 |
规格 |
频率范围:2–400kHz ± 3 dB(SWEDAC) |
检测量程:标准探头:6nT–400μT(相当于0.06mG–4G) |
X100探头:600nT–40mT(相当于6mG–400G) |
标准满量程:40nT,400nT,4μT,40μT,400μT |
可选择刻度:0.4mG,4mG,40mG,400mG,4G。 |
在A/m状态下:30mA/m,300mA/m,3A/m,30A/m,300A/m。 |
标准探头:外置三轴同心多旋转圈探头,110mm内径,116mm外径,面积0.01m2,整体直径为127mm,手柄长 |
292mm,电缆长1.2m,重量0.45kg。 |
X100探头:外置三轴同心单旋转圈探头,尺寸12.7mm,面积6.35m2,整体直径34.3mm,整体长度292mm,电缆长 |
1.5m,重量0.31kg。 |
:± 5% 规定量程 |
线性:± 2% 满刻度 |
电源:12付1400 mA可充电镍铬电池,可连续工作20小时 |
充电时间:110/220 VAC, 16小时 |
输出信号:0-2.5Vdc (25mA) |
仪器尺寸:168 x 105 x 70mm |
重量:仪器:0.88kg |
工作环境: |
温度:10°C–40°C |
湿度:5%-95%,无冷凝 |
HI-3637 Isotropic VLF Magnetic Field Meter |
Make isotropic measurements simply and economically with the HI-3637 VLF Meter. Three orthogonal sensing coils are combined into a vector sum to provide accurate magnetic field measurements from any VLF magnetic source. |
Key Features |
0.06 mG - 400 G (with 100X probe) |
2 - 400 kHz |
Three concentric orthogonal field sensors |
True RMS Detection |
Description |
The HI-3637's remote sensor and analog meter make quick work of finding VLF magnetic field distributions in any application. Its wide dynamic range makes the HI-3637 useful for measurement applications from VDT's and computer monitors to high current factory locations. Connect a data logger or chart recorder to the recorder output to monitor field variation. The frequency response meets both the Swedish and IEEE 1140 specifications for VDT testing. |
Standard Configuration |
Battery Charger |
Custom Fitted Carrying Case |
User Manual |
Options |
100X Probe |
491009 Dielectric Tripod |
Probe - Tripod adaptor |
Electrical Specifications |
Battery:12 Volt Rechargeable |
Frequency Response:2 kHz - 400 kHz |
Sensitivity (in five ranges):100 x Sensor: 600 nT-40mT (60 mG-400 G) |
Std. Sensor: 6 nT-400 μT (0.06 mG-4 G) |
Sensor:3 Concentric, Orthogonal, Shielded Sensor Coils (0.01 m2 nominal sensing area) |
西安凯跃电子科技有限公司 电话: 13759909753 13759922656 |