地区:广东省 佛山市
电 话:0757-26612651
手 机:13923262058
传 真:0757-26612652

FH-8100    塑胶熔融指数测定机(塑料熔体流动速率机)

本机适用于熔融黏度较低之热塑性塑胶之品质管制。测定方法是在规定温度,荷重,及活塞于圆柱筒内位置等条件下,以计时测量方法测定熔融塑胶挤过一规定长度与直径之细孔模之速率,用来判别制程当中聚合物流率之均匀性。本机符合 ASTMISOJISCNS 规范 A 法测定标准,可选择定时自动切料或按键切料。适用于流率在 0.15 50g/10 min 间之材料。
This tester covers measurement of the rate of extrusion of molten resins through a die of
specified length and diameter under prescribed conditions of temperature
load and piston
position in the barrel for measuring the flow rates of polymer in producing process
tester is complied with ASTM
ISOJISCNS method AThe specimen can be cut off
automatically either by a presetting specified time interval or by manually pressing the
control key
It is applicable to test the material with a flow rates that fall between 0.15
and 50g / 10min

  温度控制 Temperature control

常温 ~ 400PID 控制, ±0.1(含超温保护)Room temperature ~ 400±0.1PID controlinclude overheat protected

  砝码          Weight

1000g2160g38005000716010000g12500g21600g ( 任选一种 equipped with one of them )

  自动切料装置Auto cutoff device

  自动切料,手动切料可选择 Auto / manual selection

  设定时间        Timer

  0.1 ~ 999.9min 任意设定

  圆柱筒           Cylinder

  ?9.5504 ± 0.0076mm

  活塞               Piston

  ?9.4742 ± 0.0076mm

  细孔模            Die

外径 9.5 ± 0.02mm,孔径 2.0955 ± 0.0051mm,长度 8.00 ± 0.02mm Out diameter 9.5 ± 0.02mmInner diameter 2.0955 ± 0.0051mm Length 8.00 ± 0.02mm

  电源               Power

 AC 220V / 50Hz