名亿密封件厂的愿景与使命是以仁义为本,构建极具研磨性能以及密封性能的产品。 名亿密封件厂初创于 2016 年,前身为高端车维修技术培训以及配件销售,工厂因增产业务需求而 拓展出新项目,成员主要由成熟型的技术团队及扁平化管理方式的年轻团队组成,业务遍及全国以及 多个国家的专业门市地区。 名亿密封件厂是集设计,生产,销售,经销为一体的专业农业机械、挖掘机、叉车、收割机、堆高机、 铲车、汽车、柴油车、卡车和重型机械以及工程车用发动机引擎修理包密封原件垫片制造商和经销商。 名亿密封件厂目前技术团队开发出近千个型号的产品, 基于前身累积的技术基底,产品的研磨性 能以及密封性能优势尤为突出,产品多用于农用机械、工程机械、汽车等领域,并获得大多数客户持续 推荐。 名亿密封件厂致力于不断拓展有发动机大修包密封垫片引擎密封件需求的客户群体,亦同时欢迎 您提供样品定制的各类询价。 Company Profile The vision and mission of Mingyi Sealing Parts Factory is to provide the products with extraordinary abrasive and sealing performance while persisting to credibility and integrity. Mingyi Sealing Parts Factory was founded in 2016 when it provided high-end automobile maintenance technology training and sold relevant parts. At a later time, the factory introduced new projects to meet the growing business demand. It not only has a skillful technical team but also a young team featuring flat management mode. Nowadays, the factory has expanded its business in specialized markets throughout China and other countries. Mingyi Sealing Parts Factory is a specialized manufacturer and dealer that designs, produces and sells original gaskets contained in engine repair kits for agricultural machinery, excavators, forklifts, harvesters, stacking machines, loaders, automobiles, diesel vehicles, trucks, heavy-duty machinery and construction vehicles. So far, the technical team of Mingyi Sealing Parts Factory has developed nearly 1,000 product models. Benefiting from its long-term accumulation of technical know-how, its products present prominent advantages in terms of abrasive and sealing performance, so they are largely applied in the fields of agricultural machinery, engineering machinery, automobile and more, and constantly favored and recommended by most customers. Mingyi Sealing Parts Factory is committed to expanding the customer base in need of gaskets and other sealing elements for engine overhaul kits. Sincerely anticipate your enquiry for quotations of customized samples.