发布时间:2017/10/31 20:00:001. 全质构分析的介绍
2. 全质构分析的由来
最开始的TPA方法和参数设定是由一个食品科学家(Dr. Alina Surmacka Szczesniak)在19世纪60年代早期提出。Dr. Szczesniak早期的研究主要集中于理解消费者在品尝一系列食品之后感受到的质构特性,并将这些感觉进行分类成能够客观定量的模量。尽管感官质构评价非常理想,但是非常浪费时间,而且成本也非常昂贵。所以一个仪器分析方法就显得非常必要了。所以,Dr. Szczesniak团队研发出了台仪器,名字叫General Foods Texturometer。
3. TPA参数如何计算?
参数 | 定义 | 计算 | |
Hardness (硬度) | The maximum force of the 1st compression. | Same | |
Fracturability(脆性) | The force at the first peak | Peak Force at F1 | |
Cohesiveness(内聚性) | The area of work during the second compression divided by the area of work during the first compression. | Area 2/Area 1 | |
Springiness (弹性) | Springiness is now expressed as a ratio or percentage of a product's original height. Springiness is measured several ways, but most typically, by the distance of the detected height during the second compression divided by the original compression distance. | Distance 2 / Distance 1 | |
Gumminess (胶着性) | Gumminess is mutually exclusive with Chewiness since a product would not be both a semi-solid and a solid at the same time. | Hardness * (Area 2/Area 1) | Hardness x Cohesiveness |
Gumminess applies only to semi-solid products and is Hardness * Cohesiveness (which is Area 2/Area 1). | |||
Chewiness (咀嚼性) | Gumminess * Distance 2 / Distance 1 | Hardness x Cohesiveness x Springiness | |
Chewiness applies only to solid products and is calculated as Gumminess * Springiness (which is Distance2/Distance1). | |||
Resilience (回复性) | It is calculated by dividing the upstroke energy of the first compression by the downstroke energy of the first compression. | Area 4/Area 3 |
4. 典型的TPA曲线