发布时间:2018/6/5 13:36:00CIE Whiteness
CIE 白度
This is a whiteness index based on CIELab L*, a*, b* values. It provides relative evaluations of whiteness for samples that are very close in color and fluorescence. The samples should all be measured with the same instrument, at nearly the same time.
该白度值是以CIELab L*, a*, b*为基础建立的。它提供荧光色样的白度评价方法,评价时色样需在同一仪器和同时条件下测试。
The formula provides relative evaluations of whiteness.
W = Y + 800 ( xn - x ) + 1700 ( yn - y )
W10 = Y10 + 800 ( xn,10 - x10 ) + 1700 ( yn,10 - y10 )
Tint Value:
Tw = 1000 ( xn - x ) - 650 ( yn - y )
Tw,10 = 900 ( xn,10 - x10 ) + 650 ( yn,10 - y10 )
Y is the Y tristimulus value of the sample;
Y 是色样的一个刺激值。
x and y are the x,y chromaticity coordinates of the sample;
x和y 是色样在色度坐标中的值。
xn and yn are the chromaticity coordinates of the perfect diffuser, all for the CIE 1931 standard observer.
xn和yn是CIE 1931,D65标准光源下的坐标值。
Y10 , x10 , y10 , xn,10 , and yn,10 are values for the CIE 1964 standard observer.
Y10 , x10 , y10 , xn,10 , and yn,10 是CIE 1964(10O视场)下的值。
The tint value (Tw and Tw,10) is a measure of the deviation from whiteness of the material toward the red or green direction. A positive value indicates a green tint and a negative value indicates a red tint.
Tint值(包括Tw 和Tw10)是白织物红绿色光上的偏向。
There is a form called "CIE Whiteness/Tint" with the DOS filename of "WICIE1.FRM". The CIE whiteness index and tint value are available as a standard field, batch field, and a delta field.
软件中有一名为"WICIE1.FRM "的CIE Whiteness/Tint"报表,可显示标样、批次样的白度和色光值,以及它们的差值。