
鲁格电子成立于2002年,是一家的电子元器件供应商,。目前主要代理经营继电器的品牌有:松下(NAIS)、欧姆龙(OMRON)、高见择(TAKAMISAWA)、富士通(FUJITSU、) 、意大利芬德(FINDER)、台湾欣大(HSINDA)等世界知名品牌继电器及大部分国产品牌继电器。 我司拥有资深的技术工程师和丰富的电子产品销售经验,一向抱着“顾客、服务至上、诚信为本”的宗旨。我们将会一如继往,不断精益求精为客户提供更高质量的产品和优质的服务!真诚欢迎海内外新老客户及业界朋友前来洽谈并建立长期友好的合作关系! 品质是生存的根本,信誉是发展的前提。 We are a distinguished company specializing in manufacturing and wholesaling of electronical relays and switchs. Our company locates in DongGuan city of GuangDong province in Southern China. We provide various kinds of qualified relay and switch products covering almost all the domestic and world-famous brands. We provide perfect after-sale services as well. Moreover, we are able to provide COMPREHENSIVE OEM AND ODM SERVICES ACCORDING TO