Brief Introduction
As one of the worldwide leading companies in refrigeration service products ASANO is interested in mutually beneficial long-term relationships. This applies equally to our employees, our suppliers and our customers. Everybody at ASANO beliefs in the maxim: Fast supply of Refrigeration Service Products and Components in top Asia Quality. The worldwide distribution is locally assisted by ASANO Manufacturing Inc. SH (CHINA).
ASANO (上海浅野自动化仪表科技有限公司)是一家研制 温度,压力 传感器的公司,致力于压力,物位和温度测量领域的设计应用。倡导技术革新,而且始终如一的重视 R & D( 研发 ) ,产品运用涉及石油和天然气生产、化工处理、冶金钢铁、发电、纸浆造纸处理、制药、塑料生产、水泥建材、船舶、食品加工、烟草、自动化设备等领域,工业检 测仪表的主要供应商。 ASANO 拥有完整的机械加工和电子产品生产设备,它已经成为工业测量仪表领域的领跑者之一。