乐清市金林电子有限公司地处东海之滨的温州市北白象镇,位于温州大桥北,傍依世界风景区—北雁荡山,紧按乐清火车站和甬台温高速公路大桥北出口,距离温州机场约30公里。创立于一九八六年,是阿里巴巴诚信通第八年会员,为中国信用企业认证体系示范单位(CCECS),被中国质量评价中心评为AAA中国质量信用企业。公司拥有灵活的经营机制、雄厚的技术力量、精湛的生产工艺、完善的管理手段。主要产品有继电器、开关、指示灯、连接器件。 公司奉行“务实、诚信、创新、求精”的宗旨,愿与各界朋友真诚合作,共同创造美好的未来。Yueqing Jinlin Electron Co., Ltd, on the north of Wenzhou Bridge, is located at North Baixiang Town of Wenzhou City on China East Sea Coast, it is surrounded with world famous scenic spot North Yandang Mountains, and it’s next to Yueqing Railway Station and Yong-Tai-Wen speed way with 30km away from Wenzhou Airport. Founded in 1986, it has been a member of TRUST of ALIBABA for successive 8 years, it has also been awarded the Model Unit by China Credit Example Certificate System (CCECS) and AAA China Qua