上海申宏量具工具厂座落在中国上海市奉贤区,是中国计量器具主要生产厂家之一,角度量具产量在国内居前列。   我厂拥有一支经验丰富的工程技术人员队伍和富有实践经验的技术员工。能生产各种精密的机械类和数显类角度量具,长度量具等。品种多、规格全,品质优良,并能根据客户需求设计制造各种特殊要求的量具。产品在国内外离有盛誉,产品远销四十多个国家和地区。我厂实行良好的售后服务,质量至上,满足客户需求是我厂的宗旨。   一九九九年通过ISO9002质量体系认证,并完成ISO标准2000版转版换证,产品委托机械工业量具,量仪检测中心定点质量跟踪。   BRIEF INTRODUCTION   Located in Fengxian District of Shanghai city.Shanghai shenhong Measuring Tools Works is one of the chinese leading manufacturers of measuring tools. Lts production of protractor instrument is ranking the first line in china.   This works has its experienced engineering teams and experienced technical staffs as well. It enables to produce various kinds of precision mechanical, electronic digital protractor and length measuring tools. With nume