发布时间:2015/6/17 11:24:00
I Functions
PB-DA-2Y系列产品利用技术与德国Analog Microectcsco.,Ltd公司合作开发的新型压力变送器,采用精密光刻箔式电阻应变计及德国AMG公司生产的专用变送器用集成电路。它设计新颖独特,工艺先进,信号输出稳定,优良的性能价格比,是远传压力表的理想替代产品。它可广泛应用于冶金、电力、自来水、化工和石油等工业现场,实现远程监控和控制。
With the patented technology and developed in cooperation with German Analog Microectcsco., Ltd, PB-DA-2Y Series products as new pressure transmitters adopt precision lithography foil resistance strain gauge, and dedicated transmitter-use integrated circuits from AMG. They are featured with unique design, advanced manufacturing technology, stable output signals and cost-effective figures. It is a kind of ideal alternative for transmissible pressure gauge and can be widely used in metallurgy, electronics, tap-water, chemical and oil industries, which can realize remote monitoring and network control.
II Technical Parameters
信号输出:1.0 级
The accuracy of signal outputs: 1.0 degree
表面指示:1.6 级
2. The accuracy of surface indicator: 16 degree
3.量程:-0.1—0.3Mpa 0~0.4Mpa 0~0.6Mpa 0~1.0Mpa
0~1.6Mpa 0~2.5Mpa 0~4.0Mpa 0~6.0Mpa
3. Measuring Range:
4.信号输出:4-20mA / 0-20mA / 0-10mA / 0-5V/1-5V
4. Signal Outputs:
5.工作电压:24V DC 负载电阻:1.2KΩ(标准24V/DC电源)
5. Operating Voltage:24V DC Load Resistance: 1.2KΩ(Standard 24V/DC Power Outlet)
6.传输方式:二线制数字化智能 三线制
6. Transmission Mode: two-wire digital intelligence three-wire system
7.接头螺纹:ZG1/2 M20x1.5
7. Connection Thread
8. Operating Temperature
9. Protection Grade
III Notice of Use
The instrument can be applicable to measure various types of liquid, gaseous, or other fluid pressure. Upper limit should not be exceeded to 3/4, when it applies to measure surge pressure, upper limit should not be exceeded to 2/3, and minimal pressure should be not less than 1/3 of the upper limit in both of two situations.
2. Rainproof set is necessary in open-air installation
3.仪表出厂时已加装了阻尼螺钉. 不要拆除。但被测介质急剧冲击震动时应加装相的YFN-01阻尼抗震器(选件)
3. All instruments are factory equipped with a damping screw, please do not remove it. When measured medium vibrates fiercely, YFN-01 suppressing vibration damper should be added to install. (Option Item)
4. For the instrument safety, the power supply should install SAB-99
Power line lightning arrester and surge suppressor. (Option Item)
5.The instrument should be installed in line with the measurement point, which requires the environmental temperature is from 0℃~+45℃, and the relative humidity is not more than 80%. Under the range of -20℃~+85℃, instrument works but the accuracy decreases. T1 dedicated radiator should be installed when environmental temperature is above 85℃. (Option item)
6. DC power for instrument use: DC:20V~24V AC Ripple<5mV for each instrument 1.2W/24V~50mA
7. The power supply should be connected correctly, DC cannot be reversed connected.
8. Do not repair or disassemble the instrument by yourself, damages caused by human error, lightening, electrophoresis and overvoltage, sharp mechanical vibration and water hammer , do not belong to the warranty scope.
IV Connection Method
Three-wire output color code:
红色:+电源(+V ) 黑色:公共地线 (GND) 黄色:输出信号+(OUT)
Red: + power Black: Ground Wire Yellow: Output Signal
Signal Outputs of the three-wire German Inspire waterproof connectors
接头1:+电源(+V ) 接头2:输出信号+(OUT) 接头3:公共地线 (GND)
Connector 1: + power Connector 2: Output Signal Connector 3: Ground Wire
2.二线制4-20毫安电缆线 红色为 +电源 黄色为信号+
Two-wire 4-20Ah Cable Red:+ Power Yellow: Signal
二线制4-20毫安航空插座 信号输出1+电源 2为信号+
Two-wire 4-20Ah Aerial Socket Signal Outputs 1:+Power 2: Signal
二线制4-20毫安德国激励防水接头 信号输出1+电源 2为信号+
Two-wire German Inspire waterproof connectors Signal Outputs 1:+Power 2: Signal
五、电源与负载特性 (图1)
V Power Supply and Load Characteristic
工作区(Working Area)
VI Ordering Information
1.PB-DA-2Y(A)变频器专用配套 外壳材质304 部件96黄铜
Special affiliated to frequency converter Shell Material 304 unit 96 copper
PB-DA-2Y(B)用于测量有腐蚀介质压力 外壳材质304 部件316L不锈钢
Apply to measure the pressure of the mordant medium Shell Material 304 unit 96 Stainless steel
3.PB-DA-2Y(C)用于测量真空及负压 外壳材质304 部件316L不锈钢
Apply to measure vacuum pressure and negative pressure Shell Material 304 unit 96 Stainless steel
4.PB-DA-2Y(D)有辅助电接点输出 外壳材质30碳钢 部件96黄铜
For output with the extra electric contact Shell Material 30 carbon steel unit 96 copper
Radial Direction will be ordered generally, unless axial direction is specified in order placing.