昆山合成瑞泽机械有限公司历经多年的不懈努力、不断创新发展成为制造多种高速端子机、全自动电脑式裁线 剥皮扭线机、全自动机械式裁线剥皮机、Cable线材测试机、各种规格精密衡床的公司。公司是以电线末端加工机械为主体、经代销、研发、自制而至整厂规划。产品畅销广东、福建、河北、贵州、江西、江苏、浙江、上海、湖北、安徽以及香港、新加坡、印尼、马来西亚、泰国等地。产品性能优越、运作平稳,深受客户青睬,深得客商好评。合成本著研究创新、诚信服务之精神,为客户提供完善之售后服务而努力不懈。
Kun Shan He Cheng Rui Ze Machinery Factory Co.,Ltd was originally called "synthetic machinery maintenance department Kunshan," the company in the processing of the Machines by cable terminals,integrated withsales, R&D and manufacture of the products.With the experience for&nb
Kun Shan He Cheng Rui Ze Machinery Factory Co.,Ltd was originally called "synthetic machinery maintenance department Kunshan," the company in the processing of the Machines by cable terminals,integrated withsales, R&D and manufacture of the products.With the experience for&nb