发布时间:2023/12/4 12:26:00英国AUTOFLAME程控器MMM8002到货,MMM8002此次货期比较短,一个月不到到货,上海通配贸易公司直接找英国AUTOFLAME工厂订货,然后发飞机回国。调试流程 On a newly installed system the following procedures should be carried out as listed: 对一个新装系统要执行以下流程: 1. Check all interconnecting wiring between the M.M. and external components is correct. 检查控制模块与外部部件的连接线路是否正确。 2. Set options and parameters required (refer to sections 2.1 and 2.2). 设置正确的选项值和参数值(参阅章节2.1和2.2) 3. Set up servomotors. 设置伺服马达 4. Program fuel/air positions. 设计好燃料/空气的位置 3.2 Installation Checks 安装检查 3.2.1 Commissioning Checks 调试检查 When all the installation and burner adjustments are completed, the entire burner control system should be tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The procedure should verify the correct operation of: 在完成所有安装和燃烧器调节操作后,操作者要根据制造商指导文件来检查整个燃烧器控制系 统。需检查验证的具体内容如下: 1. Each operating control (temperature, pressure etc.) 所有的运行控制(温度,压力等等) 2. Each limit switch (temperature, pressure, low water cut-off, etc.) 所有的限位开关(温度,压力,低水位切断,等等) 3. Each interlock switch (airflow switch, high and low fuel pressure or temperature switches, purge and low fire switches, fuel valve proof of closure interlock etc.) 所有的互联开关(空气开关,高燃气压力或温度开关/低燃气压力或温度开关,吹扫和低火开 关,燃料阀门关闭校验连锁等等) 4. Pilot flame failure response and lockout. 导燃火焰的故障响应和锁定 5. Main flame failure response and lockout. 主火焰的故障响应和锁定 6. Tight shut-off for all valves. 所有阀门的完全关闭 3.2.2 Operational Checks 运行检查 1. Close manual main shut-off valve. 关闭手动主截止阀。 2. Check all limit circuit wiring for proper operation and correct connection. 检查所有限流电路的正常运行和正确连接。 3. Confirm that the automatic main fuel valves are wired correctly. 确认自动主燃料阀门的接线正确。 4. Power the control and electronically check the proper sequence of operation. 控制器通电,检查运行的适当排序。 5. After assuring yourself that all the interlocks and valves are properly wired and that the sequence 50 of operation is correct, open the manual main shut-off fuel valve and proceed cautiously through the boiler light off process. Check all safety interlocks for proper shutdown of the boiler. 在确保所有联锁和阀门接线正确和运行顺序的正确后,打开手动主截止阀并且仔细执行锅炉 点火过程。检查所有锅炉关机的安全联锁。 WARNING: COMMISSIONING OR BURNER START-UP MUST ONLY BECARRIED OUT BY A FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIAN. 警告:锅炉调试或者启动只能由经过工厂培训的技师来操作。 3.2.3 Installation Precautions 安装注意事项 The reliability of the equipment may be impaired if used in environments where strong electromagnetic fields exist e.g. if the equipment is installed in a boiler house where radio systems exist then additional EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) measures may have to be considered. Please contact Autoflame for more information. 设备的可靠性在强电磁场环境下会遭到破坏。例如:在锅炉房周围存在电磁场时,系统要采取 额外的电磁兼容措施来对抗。请咨询Autoflame来获得更多相关信息。 3.2.4 Maintenance and Servicing 维护和保养 The Micro-Modulation unit uses solid state technology. It requires no routine maintenance. 微型控制设备采用坚实的制造科技。微型控制设备无需例行保养。