发布时间:2022/7/15 15:27:001、如何建立与Matlab的实时HTTP连接
安诺尼RTSA-Suite PRO实时频谱仪软件提供了一个支持JSON数据格式,强大的HTTP服务器模块,使用它的RESTful web service建立一个与Matlab的实时HTTP连接是非常简单的。
Convert JSON text from a server response to MATLAB data
lhs = mps.json.decoderesponse(response)
error = mps.json.decoderesponse(response)
lhs = mps.json.decoderesponse(response) reads the JSON payload of the output arguments returned from a successful MATLAB? function call.
error = mps.json.decoderesponse(response) reads the JSON payload of the MATLAB error thrown from a failed MATLAB function call.
rel="nofollow" collapse all
>Read from MATLAB Production Server Payload
mps.json.decoderesponse('{"lhs":[[[1, 2, 3, 4]]]}')
ans =
1x1 cell array
{1x4 double}
Read response from a sortstudent function deployed on MATLAB Production Server
Execute mps.json.encoderequest and mps.json.decoderesponse to call a function deployed on MATLAB Production Server? using webwrite. In this case, student names and their corresponding scores are deployed to MATLAB Production Server to the sortstudents function that sorts students based on their scores. The result returned is the equivalent to calling the function sortstudents(struct('name', 'Ed', 'score', 83), struct('name', 'Toni', 'score', 91)) from MATLAB.
Assume that there is a deployable archive studentapp that contains a MATLAB function sortstudents deployed to the server.
data = {struct('name', 'Ed', 'score', 83), struct('name', 'Toni', 'score', 91)};
body = mps.json.encoderequest(data);
options = weboptions;
% Create a weboptions object that instructs webread to return JSON text
options.ContentType = 'text';
% Create a weboptions object that instructs webwrite to encode character vector data as JSON to post it to a web service
options.MediaType = 'application/json';
response = webwrite('http://localhost:9910/studentapp/sortstudents', body, options);
result = mps.json.decoderesponse(response);
Input Arguments
rel="nofollow" collapse all
response — JSON result from a MATLAB function call
char (default)
JSON result from a MATLAB function call specified as JSON text.
Output Arguments
rel="nofollow" collapse all
lhs — Cell vector of output arguments
Cell vector
Cell vector of output arguments that are from a MATLAB function called from MATLAB Production Server.
error — Generated output when request results in a MATLAB error
struct array
Generated output when request to MATLAB function called from MATLAB Production Server results in a MATLAB error returned as a struct array.
Version History
Introduced in R2018a
See Also
mps.json.encode | mps.json.decode | mps.json.encoderequest
JSON?Representation of MATLAB Data Types (MATLAB Production Server)
Create Deployable Archive for MATLAB Production Server (MATLAB Production Server)